Have you ever found yourself slowly but surely upgrading your lifestyle after receiving a boost in income? This phenomenon is known as “lifestyle creep,” and it can be incredibly dangerous for your financial health. In this post, we’ll discuss lifestyle creep and give tips on how to avoid it.
What Is Lifestyle Creep?
Lifestyle creep is a slow increase in spending that often happens when your income increases. It’s called the “lifestyle creep” because it’s often so gradual that you don’t even realize it’s happening.
You might start by investing in a new work wardrobe and then over time, find yourself spending more every month, buying new clothes, going out to eat more often, and taking more vacations.
The problem with lifestyle creep is that it can quickly spiral out of control and lead to financial trouble. If you’re not cautious, you can spend more money than you make, putting you in a very difficult position.
Why Is Lifestyle Creep Something to Avoid?
There are a few reasons why you should avoid lifestyle creep if you notice yourself falling into it. Lifestyle creep can cause the following problems:
It Can Quickly Lead to Debt
If you’re spending more cash than you make, you’ll have to put some of your expenses on a credit card, and before you know it, you could find yourself in serious financial trouble.
It Can Prevent You from Realizing Your Financial Goals
If you’re spending all of your extra money on unnecessary items or services, you’ll have less money to put toward retirement, debts, or a down payment on a house.
It Can Make Money Management Frustrating
You might work hard to make more money, but if you’re letting lifestyle creep slip in, you’re not truly improving your lifestyle. You might even be making it worse.
As trivial as it may seem, lifestyle creep can majorly impact your financial health. That’s why it’s crucial to be aware of it and to take steps to avoid it.
How Can You Avoid Lifestyle Creep?
There are suggestions you can look into to avoid lifestyle creep. They include:
Track Your Spending
If you’re not tracking your spending, it’s easy to let lifestyle creep set in without realizing it. By tracking your spending, you can be more aware of where your money is going and make adjustments as needed.
Create a Budget
If you don’t have a budget, now is the time to create one. A budget can help you ensure you’re not spending more money than you make, and it can also allow you to track your progress toward your financial goals.
Think About Your Long-Term Goals
When you’re tempted to spend dollars on something that’s not necessary, take a step back and think about your long-term goals. If the purchase isn’t going to help you reach those goals, it’s probably not worth it.
Avoid Lifestyle Creep by Being Aware of It
The best way to avoid something is to be aware of it. Now that you understand what lifestyle creep is, you can look for it in your own life. If you find yourself gradually increasing your spending, take a step back and assess whether it’s really necessary.
How to Enjoy Life Without Going Overboard
If you’re trying to avoid lifestyle creep, it doesn’t mean you have to live a boring, restrictive life. There are countless ways to enjoy life without spending much money. Try doing things like cooking fancy meals at home, exploring the area you live in, hiking and biking, or spending time with friends and family.
And remember, spending money isn’t a bad thing. Our goal is to help you contain excessive spending on things that don’t fit your financial strategy, so that you have more money to spend on the things that matter to you most over time.
When you’re ready to work with a professional who can help you create a financial mindset that matches your values and lifestyle, we’re here to help. Connect with our team today to schedule a complimentary, no obligation, consultation.
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