Far too often we envision a life different than the one we are living. We may want a different job, new car, healthier lifestyle, deeper relationships or more money but rarely do we put in the effort needed to change or better our situation. Regardless of our good intentions or wishful thinking, what ultimately determines our success is a game plan and action. Hope alone is not enough.
Bettering our health and finances seem to be in the top ten of the most common New Year’s resolutions every single year. We all know the gym is usually packed in January and by the end of February, the excitement of change has dwindled and many people fall back into their old habits. I would argue a person’s success rate would be much higher had they engaged with a personal trainer. That trainer would review their current lifestyle and goals, and develop an exercise plan and nutrition regime for their client. Being held accountable to another person, let alone a professional, helps maintain the incentive to eat healthier and work out more often. Having a cheerleader with you from the start who can show you the progress you’ve made is a huge motivator. Even if you can’t see it, they will be able to show how you’ve already come a long way.
I hope you noticed that not once did I say bettering your health is an easy task. I’ve learned through my own life and by helping hundreds of clients that many things, health and finances included, are simple but not easy to put into action. We all know we should eat healthy and exercise but life is hectic and unless we make it a priority that good intention can lose to what’s most convenient. The same is true for your finances. Everyone has heard the phrase “pay yourself first” but many people don’t know the best way to put this generic advice into action or where to even start. How much should you save? Where should you save? When should saving become investing? In what should you invest? These are common questions that don’t have blanket answers. Everyone’s finances and goals, just like your lifestyle, are different and take a strategy tailored to your specific situation.
So, how do you take the next step beyond good intentions and put an action plan in place? Similar to a personal trainer, a trusted financial consultant can review your current situation, help you prioritize goals and develop a long-term strategy for you to follow. They can monitor your progress and as your situation evolves, so will the strategy you’ve developed. Working with a professional provides accountability and can *hopefully* be that positive push to keep doing the right thing.
Good intentions are admirable (and necessary) start to any goal. Yet without a plan of action, you are left only with the hope of eventually ending up at where you want to be. A plan can get you off the ground and in the right direction. For your financial goals and wishes, a financial consultant can help both establish your plan and help you follow through every step of the way.
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Separate from the financial plan and an advisors’ role as a financial planner, an advisor may recommend the purchase of specific investment or insurance products or accounts. These product recommendations are not part of the financial plan and clients are under no obligation to follow them.
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